There’s nothing elitist or intimidating about it. Think of it as going wine-routing, exploring the length, breadth and every corner of the South African winelands with experienced guides to help show the way. The V’know Wine Appreciation Club is a ticket to discovering interesting, good-value reds and whites recommended by knowledgeable folks at the Wine Concepts stores in Cape Town, specialists in seeking out the best from the country’s various wine regions.
Yes, it involves learning about wine, but no, it’s not a course, nor a quiz – nobody’s going to put you on the spot or try to catch you out. This club is uncomplicated, and fully transparent. There are no surprises and you’re not locked in. A different six-pack of wines is offered every two months, a mixed case comprising a selection that you’re told about upfront and online, and which you can choose to purchase or not. There is no penalty for picking and choosing when you’d like to buy, but given what’s being put together and the level of service, you won’t want to miss out.
Typically, the bottles will include one or two craft/artisanal wines from the Cape’s smallest cellars, a great value offering from producers with great track records and a portfolio of champions, something from a wine farm off the beaten track and quite possibly a red and/or white that you’ve never heard about before. Also in the box come some useful notes about each wine and where it originates, about the cellarmasters and suggestions regarding what plates of food the wines go well with. Plus, with each of the club’s recommendations you’re supplied a sheet of winemaking terms, a glossary of info in easy-to-understand language that you might want to collect.
The emphasis is on value. With the V’know Club you’re guaranteed top quality, characterful wines and proof that there are still wonderful wines of South Africa that can be enjoyed without venturing into luxury territory. At the time of writing, just R1250 for the case of six if bought from one of the stores, and just a little more for delivery to your door. What a deal!