South Africa ranked No. 7 among top wine-producing nations
SPEAKING about the state of the wine industry worldwide from the International Organisation of Vine & Wine headquarters in Dijon, France, the OIV’s director general John Barker (of New Zealand) […]
Wine sales in South Africa are on the up and up, however…
THE 2023 South African Wine Industry Statistics (for the year 2022) include few surprises, given the state of the country’s economy, the weak rand and various political factors. Still, it […]
South Africa remains No. 8 among world’s top wine producers
HIGH INFLATION, energy crises and supply-chain disruptions led to higher-than-usual price increases, which, in general terms, led to decreases in consumption and a rise in the value of exports. This […]
SA ahead of Germany, behind Argentina – OIV wine stats
IN THE ANNUAL address by the director general of the Paris-based International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) about the state of the wine industry worldwide, Spain’s Pau Roca reported […]
2021 SA wine industry stats for the year that was – a local perspective
THE ANNUAL updates on the length, breadth, size and nature of the wine business in the leading wine-producing country on the continent of Africa can differ somewhat depending on whether […]
South African wine production up, exports down – global industry stats
SPEAKING during a conference conducted online during the Covid-19 lockdown affecting many countries around the globe, Pau Roca of Spain, the director general of the International Organisation of Vine and […]