Top-notch Grenache! Perfect with fish on a hot summer’s day
IT WAS MADE to enjoy when dining on fish, and served chilled, poured at 12°C or so as per most white wines, although it’s not… The 2021 vintage of red […]
Stellenbosch Res steps up a gear… Haskell winds it down…
IT’S GOODBYE to the Longtable restaurant at Haskell Vineyards and hello to Stellenbosch Reserve – for lunch (Tue-Sun) and dinner (Thu-Sat), classy yet casual, and a tasting room offering wines […]
Experts agree: ‘Top 10’ Chenins show detail, refinement, complexity
HOW ABOUT THAT! Less than a month after the 2020 Bernard Series Old Vine Chenin in DGB’s Bellingham portfolio was included among South Africa’s Top 10 Challenge winners, it went on to […]
Wildeberg tops Cape White Blend Report, with fireworks from Bruce Jack
AS WINEMAG points out, there is no official definition for a ‘Cape White Blend’, but their proposal is that such wines, as opposed to the Bordeaux-style Semillon-and-Sauvignon-Blanc combos, can be […]